
Cleansing focuses on changing what you are consuming for a period of time which allow the digestive system to rest and repair. Over consuming and eating a lot of processed foods can cause the body to malfunction and become stagnant and dis-eased. Cleansing is necessary to reset the foundation for healing. Partnering cleansing with detoxing is a must for optimal healing.


Detoxification is a healing treatment which aims to rid the body of toxins that have accumulated in the body and have undesirable short-term or long-term effects on individual health. Detoxing is a lifestyle shift to help open up pathways in the kidneys, liver, lungs, blood, lymphatic system, digestive system and more. Detoxing takes cleansing to the next level. It allows for the body to remove the build up so nutrients can be properly absorbed and balance can be restored.



A significant part of detoxing and cleansing are herbs. Herbs are utilized to work with and against the cells causing a cleansing effect. They work to push toxins out of the cell. Therefore by purging the body of toxins from waste that the body hadn’t eliminated.